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Quick Links to specific versions: V1 | V2 | V3 | V4 | V? | Reproductions | First Shot

The blaster that Leia was shipped with is commonly referred to as simply a "Princess Leia Blaster".
This blaster had a few different versions, but the differences are very small.

This blaster was used for the following Leias: The colors this blaster were cast in were: The following colors are confirmed to have shipped with the following figures:

Version 1 - V1
The V1 blaster is fairly common.
The easiest ID point can be seen labeled as #3 which shows a sharp vertical line right above the magazine area.

Here are a few slight variations that can be found. Details for each also follow.

Notice the indented area above the magazine area.

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This area is indented, but not as much as above.

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When held up to a strong back-light, you can see through parts of the blaster which will be viewed as light green and blue (cyan) tones.

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Version 2 - V2

At this time, I do not have a V2 blaster as indicated at The Imperial Gunnery. Below is the image from TIG with my ID points on it.
I am looking for one for my collection and for further study. Please contact me if you have one available.

Version 3 - V3

The V3 blaster seems to be less common than the V1 or soon to be shown, V4.
This is very similar to the V1 blaster but is missing the vertical line above the magazine and shows what might best be described as a silencer type of bulge at the end of the barrel indicated by ID #2.


Version 4 - V4

The V4 blaster is fairly common and another of the first blasters produced.
The easiest ID points can be seen labeled as #2 and #3 which shows two small lines and a circle on one side of the barrel. The ID point #3 may not be present but the two small lines (ID #2) generally are.
Another ID point is #1 which shows a slanted 'hammer/but end' area of the blaster which differs than the rest.
The final ID point #4, shows a longer slanted, non-detailed section under the barrel by the magazine.

They can be found carded on ESB 31, 32, 41 & 48 backs as well as ESB Baggies.

Here are a few slight variations that can be found. Details for each also follow.

One of, if not, the most commonly found variation. The Blue color can vary in hues.

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V4 BLUE with Excess Flashing
The flashing is quite common for the V4 blasters. They can be found on 31B, 32 & 41 backs and ESB Baggies.

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Unknown origin or rarity. The LEDY Blue blaster seen on TIG is described as a rough plastic but I cannot confirm the one right below as a LEDY.

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The translucent blasters (both V1 and V4 Kenner) are quite rare comparably and seem to be only produced very early on.

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V4 Lili Ledy BLUE

At this time, I do not have a V4 Lili Ledy Blue blaster as indicated at The Imperial Gunnery. Below is the image from TIG with my ID points on it.
I am looking for one for my collection and for further study. Please contact me if you have one available.

Version Unconfirmed - V?

These blasters have not been placed under any specific versions as of yet.

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This one I am fairly certain isn't like the others shown so far.
It shows a very crisp, detailed blaster and a dull black/blue color.
Points #1, #3 and #6 do not match any other versions.
But before I officially call it V5, please feel free to join the discussion on this one and possibly others over at The Imperial Gunnery Forums in THIS THREAD.
If this turns out to be an existing version, it would be a V3 but from a perfect mold and a different plastic that allowed the details to be super sharp and losless.


These blasters all apparently are cast from the same mold. They can be found in black, blue or grey.
The black one has two slight variations where there is an indent above the magazine.
I don't know when these first appeared but are commonly found in 2012 & 2013.
These are fairly easy to spot with the lack of the circle with the line on the magazine. They are also very sharp in detail, but lack most of the details seen in any of the original versions.

This next one seems to be newer and comes from the TIG archives:

This one also comes from the TIG archives:

All of the repos shold be easy to spot provided you can get a clear picture of it since they are obvious when you compare to originals.


I just thought this was neat to show a pre-production Leia Blaster first shot.
This comes from the collection of BornTheYearOf (Tim). He has a very nice little collection of pre-production items.
You can notice in the last image the barrel is hollow with some sort of clay inside. CIB authenticated this back in May 2013.

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